The Litter - Action Woman (1967)
Far fucking out, Maaaaan!
There’s more to Minneapolis than just Prince y’know!
Another fast talkin’ loudmouth snarling his way thru his disdain for his ex.
Wanting to find some action to satisfy his soul no less.
Yeah… whatever, mate!
This still burns retinas at 50 paces and with its standard bag of forks percussion and slice n’ dice acid blown fuzzmatastic sizzle geetar. Christ on a unicycle that guitar line is disgustingly filthy for all the right reasons.
So, you know that whatever happens to him, it’s a legendary slab o wax that’s actually never equaled in the rest of their output.
Which was quite common in them there daze.
I think a Margarita or two to get the old bones shimmy shaking and get on down to this twin cities tight blast
Smoke em if ya got em

Jah Shaka - Lion Youth (1982)
Greetings Soundheads,
With the sad passing of a true sound system legend, The Mighty Jah Shaka, here’s a relatively early splash from the 80’s.
Recording at Ariwa, the legendary base of Mad Professor in Thornton Heath, South London, Shaka was pretty much in the zone and released a string of great plates and dub wise albums.
It was a toss up between this and Revelation 18 but I’ve always had a passion for this 12 because of the great Professor dubs on the b-side.
The experience of Shaka live was always extraordinary, the bass shook your bones and if you could sometimes experience the joy of Shaka rewinding a side three times in a row, then you were in for a good night.
Fix up a Rum and light em if ya got em.
RIP Jah Shaka

The Moodists - The Disciples Know (1983)
G’day Soundheads,
Australia has been a goldmine of truly great bands.
Most have had to leave their native land due to complete indifference of pretty much everyone, to bury their gold elsewhere.
Luckily, it’s pretty much been the UK that have dug out those seams, even if it wasn’t always to massive acclaim.
The Moodists were one such band of outsiders and they managed to bring their swampy swagger with them.
An early single here, released by the mighty Dave Kitson’s label Red Flame.
A man who managed to have The Laughing Clowns, The Moodists and the mighty Severed Heads on his label.
Dave Grainy went on to more acclaim with his solo career but we all start somewhere and The Moodists were a very special brand of hot sauce.
There’s a lot of killer tracks I could pick off their one and only true long player, “Thirsty’s Calling”, which I would thoroughly advise anyone who hasn’t heard its charms to track down.
Unfairly corralled with The Birthday Party by the British press, which often points to the fact that they don’t know what the fuck they’re talking about half the time.
They might have the tribal shuffle that could align with BP, but to me, there ain’t nothing there.
They were fantastic live, all of that swampy swagger and a barrage of Oz blues.
Highly underrated… underline Highly.
Get lost in the blurry mix and let them take you to that place they knew so well
Have great weekends everyone, even if it’s in the name of a non-existent sky fairy

The Gun Club - The Fire of Love (1981)
Howdy Soundheads
Two singles of the week this week!
First one out of the stalls is another smash from The Gun Club.
It’s 27 years today that Jeffrey Lee Pierce left us and to mark the occasion, here’s their one and only single off Miami, confusingly called The Fire Of Love.
I said pretty much all I needed to say a good while ago when they made SOTW, but having just recently finished Kid Congo’s book, JLP has been in my thoughts quite a lot and I’m constantly reminding myself of going to see The Gun Club on many occasions.
Much like going to see a fellow inebriate Johnny Thunders, you never really knew what kind of show you’d get, both slipping down the pole as they got older to the point where I, and most likely many others, just couldn’t take it anymore and stopped going to shows because they hurt your sensibilities as much as your wallet on a duff show.
But… they burned bright as super novas when they hit the mark and that is the memory I treasure to keep.
So, pour yourself a bourbon and slide into the bluesy and almost Crampish punkabilly swamp of The Fire Of Love
RH x

Shakin' Stevens - All You Need Is Greed (2023)
So, the 2nd choice this week is something I bet you thought I’d never put up.
Shakin’ Fuckin’ Stevens!
Yep, you heard it!
75 years old and he’s making a fucking protest song!
Obviously aimed at the pig fuckers ( political and elite ruling class shitehawks, they’re all cut from the same cloth ) who are making the UK possibly the most toxic shithole in the whole of Europe and esp the wastes of skin and matter that call themselves the Tory government.
So for that, I tip my hat to you Sir!
Shame it’s only Shakey that seems to be so pissed off with everything to do something about it, because not many are and seem quite content to let this shitshow fester even more.
Never in my life would I think I’d champion Sir Shaking of Stevens, but curve balls sometimes reap rewards.
I must point out that the lyrics might not be Dylanesque, but his heart is absolutely in the right place!
RH x