A message from Robert Hampson... Liverpool Psychedelia, Array2, etc...
Ladies and Gents,
Anyone interested in going to the Liverpool Psych Fest, just to let you know it looks as tho’ we will be playing on the Friday evening.
Time to be confirmed.
Many many thanks to all who came out to see us in Bristol, London and Manchester this weekend.
It was a good trip and after 18 months of not playing live, it felt pretty damn good.
I know it’s been quiet on news and activity front, but maybe it did us well to step back for a bit.
Loop law is alive and well and, true to form, equipment woes plagued me the first couple of days in rehearsal but all came out in the wash and we ploughed on.
We did have some monitoring difficulties in Manchester so apologies for the slight detachment in getting right on it, but it was a relief to find out that it didn’t sound as freakish out front as it did for us onstage.
Thanks to all who came up to have a chat and it’s always a pleasure to meet some of you in the flesh.
Few things to work out, and you never know, perhaps we can get that bloody ARRAY project finished.
There will be more, I promise.
Next up… Liverpool Psyche Fest in September.
That’s probably it this year for live unless we get an agent who actually wants to make things work for once.
Well, that’s about wraps it up for now.
Til soon in September
Chin Chin
Leeds in the rain