Loop confirm first album since 1990...
2020… ?
It’s been quite a while since a full length LOOP album release.
Perhaps too long?
Perhaps not long enough?
It’s possible to list an encyclopaedia’s worth of content of what has transpired since A GILDED ETERNITY in this battered and bewildering world of Prime Ministers / Leaders and the odd Demagogue here and there, who refuse to curtail their excesses until everything around them is completely shit and we are at each other’s throats over a piece of land or the colour of skin and a belief.
And then there’s just general bad behaviour by people who really should make way for others in their self serving lives and get with the fucking program.
Your liberty is not at risk for wearing a face covering.
Perhaps look at who your are voting for if you feel something like liberty is at risk first, then perhaps a bit of cloth might not seem so threatening.
Perhaps… nothing really changes?
Forever changes.
“Always Forward” pretty much has been my motto for as long as I can remember.
Sometimes, you have to go in reverse, to manoeuvre around the odd thing here and there.
Bringing LOOP back into life has had its trials and tribulations as much as anything you can figure on as it had back in the day, but the desire to explore further hasn’t left me…yet.
So, back in the studio then.
Can’t tell you what it’s all about just yet, apart from the fact it’s a blast of high octane guitars, rattling drums and low frequency bass.
To clear the air, sadly the Array project has been shelved indefinitely.
It seems pertinent to think on new projects than ones that didn’t get finished.
This is NOT ARRAY 2 & 3
We’re working with our man Joe Garcia in his smart studio on cooking something righteous and I’m sure I’ll be allowed to spill the beans here and there in how it’s all going.
So, it is what it is, and once it is out there, it’ll be tangible and then maybe I can talk on it further.
Until then, we all have to wait and see on where it goes and where it’ll end up
RH x