Update (13 May 2022)
Dear Soundheads,
I have some hopefully welcome good news for those still waiting for the Sonancy Purple Galaxy Vinyl edition.
The pressing plant have made good on their promise to repress the rejected copies and we now have a date for the shipment.
Due to the UK having two bank holidays in the next few weeks, which will hold up the process slightly more, Music Glue are looking to now ship out the remaining copies on June 6th.
Obviously, it cannot be overstated that I appreciate that it has taken a good while for this issue to be rectified, I can only say thank you for your patience and understanding in the whole process.
Sadly, this “vinyl crisis” is still ongoing and everything is still taking a very long time for turnarounds.
So thankfully, this hasn’t taken as long as I might have feared.
So, you should be getting a notification from Music Glue in the coming weeks to let you know your order is on its way.
Thanks Again and I hope that when it arrives, it is indeed what you have hoped for
Update (6 April 2022)
Greetings Dear Heads of Sound!
News on the Purple Galaxy Edition comes my way.
A repress of the rejected copies has been agreed upon, but still waiting an arrival date.
But to let you know it has not been forgotten about!
Also, if you have still not received your download – which I do hope all of you now have – please contact : support@musicglue.com
And hopefully they will be able to sort you out!
Take care all
See you for Single Of The Week soon!
Update #2 (31 March 2022)
OK Soundheads
The mp3s of the Version EP were sent by mistake.
You will be sent the correct Wavs
Can we please now just take a breath and relax, I really need it even if you guys don’t
RH x
Update (31 March 2022)
Word reaches my ears that some are having issues with digital downloads.
Hoping to kill many birds with many stones, here goes!
Firstly, if you are trying to access a download via a code you have within the vinyl copies, I have been absolutely assured by Music Glue AND the download company sourcing this download that those links should be absolutely fine.
Tests have been made and there are no issues.
So if there is, it’s not understood why.
Again, I’m truly sorry and I have done all I can to get answers – it seems to be all I am doing lately, but you can’t accuse me of ignoring your issues.
I’m trying, honestly I am.
Secondly, ALL purchases of the PURPLE GALAXY VINYL editions will be sent your codes by Music Glue today!
Whether you made the early doors post out list of the OK’d copies or not.
Everyone will be taken care of.
It’s literally being sorted as I type this now.
Again, thank you all for your patience and understanding.
I can’t apologise enough.
It’s been a fucking headache for me to see this slow motion accident play out.
I really can’t do anymore than I am doing, so keep the faith!
A man in need of a beer, some painless sleep and not more hair turning white
Update #2 (30 March 2022)
Dear Soundheads,
To hopefully put to rest some confusion, if you have bought a copy of SONANCY from Music Glue and it is not the Transparent Galaxy effect, then please know that we are fully aware of the issues and I am trying to rectify it… god knows I’m having a shit time doing so.
But this IS NOT the fault of myself, Reactor or Cooking Vinyl.
This has been an issue with the pressing plant and we are doing all we can to make good.
But Music Glue is not owned by Loop, it is a fulfilment company.
These issues I’m afraid are out of our control.
Please read these posts carefully and understand that I’m extremely unhappy that this has happened and I am 100% committed to making things right.
Update (30 March 2022)
Greetings Soundheads
So, I have news for you with regards to the Purple D2C edition if you have not been one of those to get it by choice of ordering order.
I can let you know that the pressing plant have agreed to repress the quantity of the Purple Galaxy that we deemed as unacceptable.
I’m afraid that I cannot give you a date of when these will be ready – part of all our problems have been the vinyl overloaded demands within the industry, it truly is crazy – but please be assured that you won’t be forgotten about and we are going to keep on top of it.
Thank You again for all of your patience and understanding with these issues, and I will keep you updated with all developments as they come to me.
For all of you now in receipt of their copies, I hope that you agree with me that it’s a tasty thing of beauty.
See you for Single Of The Week on Friday!
Update (25 March 2022)
Dear Soundheads,
I’ve had confirmation that we can make sure that ALL Purple edition buyers WILL get their digital version approved regardless of the timing of your ordering.
So you will be able to have at least one copy even if the vinyl is not with you.
Please be patient, it’s the weekend and this will be a process that needs to be handled by the digital overlords, but as always, I’m on the case on your behalf.
No fucking shit
RH xxx
Day Of Days
So my dear Soundheads,
I come bearing news for those who have purchased the Purple vinyl edition of SONANCY with all the goodies enclosed.
We ( being me and Cooking Vinyl ) have tried to think of solutions of releasing the 350 odd editions that I have approved as acceptable to the written directive of Purple Vinyl Galaxy edition out of the 500.
Now, you have to hear me out on this and I sincerely hope that you all will approve of the method. It’s a little long-winded so I apologies profusely beforehand.
It’s been a challenge – all the editions have been marred with misprints etc, and I am trying to deal with the issue with CV and the pressing plant.
But, with the Purple deluxe edition, we obviously spotted the absolute imperfections straight away because we were dealing with it first hand, as it was to be assembled by hand – by yours truly no less.
Now, with this certain effect, obviously every one will be different, making them unique.
Some will be more darker than others, some will be lighter, some will have more black and some will have more purple.
The same has to be said of the other editions – the Red, the Orange and the Clear.
But, what myself and CV deem to unacceptable are the ones that are black or virtually black or have very very little of the colour.
And you do have my deepest apologies if you have any of those other colours that fall within these boundaries.
I am honestly trying to work on solutions, but I hope you understand that we had no access to those and that they left the various shipping warehouses sealed.
Now, we wish to obviously furnish everyone with their desired format.
And as quickly as possible.
With that, and due to the nature of the fact that we honestly don’t want good copies of the package to be sitting around, with possible damage etc, it has been decided (and this does have my approval) that we ship these good copies out in order of the orders made and as they came in to Music Glue.
So if that makes you scratch your head, it basically means that the earliest orders will be fulfilled first.
I have with all my heart tried earnestly to think of the fairest way possible on this, which basically boiled down to this way or having a lottery to decide.
It really does pain me people, I’m really feeling it.
It’s one of the factors of today that has made it a very bittersweet experience for me personally.
But logistically, this is the better option by the powers that be and it’s either this, or nothing.
I assure you all that those of you that sadly don’t get their version with this decision will get it – I am still 100% involved in getting everyone what they paid for – but I’m afraid that it will involve the patience I asked if you with the last post I made about this situation.
I am also hoping to ask for the digital versions associated with this version are released to absolutely everyone that has ordered it, so at least if you are kept waiting, you will have a copy of the album.
I’m truly sorry for these problems, which I have taken very much to heart.
Rest assured, I’m doing all I can to have them rectified.
Thank you all for buying this record in whatever way you desired and I hope that regardless of all the bullshit, it’s the album you have waited so patiently for.
Also, if you ordered the white label promo pack edition, that is on its way to you now.
Nobody here wants to see you unhappy.
It really has been out of control, but trust me… I’m being an absolute bastard at making sure it’s rectified
With love and understanding